Robot Prison Break W Type

1. Objective

Robot  Prison  break  is  to  build  a  robot  that  performs  its  best  sensor  usage  by  predicting  the obstacles to understand robot’s autonomous movements to study human brain function.

2. League

Junior and Challenge

3. Team

One person one robot per team

4. General Rules

  1. The minimum construction time is one hour including practice time. Construction time can be extended depending on the mission.
  2. Participants should not add, remove or change any hardware or software of the robot during the competition.
  3. A laptop is allowed for programming; participants should prepare the computer. All participants must carry fully charged battery in case of a  power supply problem at the competition venue.
  4. Any other issue that is not on this rule, the committee will discuss the issue and announce  it  to the participants and no objection will be taken after the announcement
  5. When participants touch the robot during the competition without permission from the referee The team will disqualified.
  6. Touch sensor is not allowed to use. The committee will test the robot before competition. The referee will test the sensor by testing other sensors.
  7. Sensor part of the robot must have longer than 1 cm distance from the ground.
  8. There is no particular restriction on the size of Robot however, if the robot could not participate the game due to its size, the participant must fix the size during construction and practice time.

5. Playground

  1. The  playgrounds  are  a  combination  of  blocks  and  each  block  size  is  160  cm  X  120cm  (± 15%)
  2. Each blocks are connected with bridges and the shape of bridges are combination of straight lines and curves.
  3. The bridges may have 0.3 cm level error..
  4. Surface  of  the  playground  is  20cm  X  24cm  that  divided  by  beige  line.  Each  area  contains either1 wall, 1 trap, a destination or empty area.
  5. Size  and  the  position  of  the  wall  trap  and  the  destination  can  be  subject  to  change  on  the game day.
  6. The shape of the wall can be; a cylinder, a cube, a rhombus pillar or triangular philar. The sizes are:
    • Cylinder: 20 cm*25cm (diameter*heights)
    • Cube: 20cm * 24 cm * 25cm (L*W*H)
    • Rhombus pillar: 12 cm * 12 cm * 25 cm (L*W*H)
    • Triangular pillar: 20cm*24cm*25cm (S*S*H)
  7. The size of the trap is 20cm * 24Cm * 0.5Cm (L*W*H) and the color is black. The robot must detect the trap and avoid the trap. If the robot touches the trap (as seen as 1 or 2) 2 point will be deducted. If the robot pass the trap (as seen as 3 or 4) the referee will end the game and only count the completed mission points before ending.
  8. The  playground  and  the  bridges  do  not  contain  any wall  therefore the  robot  must  detect  the edges  and  avoid  them.  If  the  robot  could  not  detect  the  edges  and  fallen  from  the  playground (including  hanging)  the  referee  will  end  the  game  and  only  counts  the  mission  points  until  the end.

6. Game rules

  1. The  robot  must  detect  various  shapes  of  roads,  cliffs,  walls,  stairs,  straps  and  bridges  and reach the destination fast.
  2. The position of the obstacle in area (B) will be open in the morning and area (A) will be set up after drawing of each participant. Therefore, course of area (A) can’t be pre programmed and the robot must be able to detect the obstacles to finish the course.
  • Example of the obstacle
  • When robot  should detect each wall and trap that is close to the robot team get 1 point.
  • When robot moves to  the  opposite direction,  the referee ends the game and counts the points until where the robot succeeded the sensing the last time.
  • Robot must detect all obstacles and if it touches that wall that is not mounted to the ground the team loses 2 points.
  • Robot can move diagonally from the lines on the ground.
  • If there is no robot finish the course, participant with highest points wins.
  • If the robot stop, the referee will count 10 seconds and count the point as record.
  • Even if the robot didn’t stop but keep moving in the circle and seems like not working properly, the referee can all TKO (technical knockout) and the count the point as record.

7. Winner


  1. The team that completes the mission (finished at the end line).
  2. If  there  is  more  than  one  team  that  complete  the  mission,  The  team  that  completes  the mission faster. Select the best record from round 1 or 2.
    • Complete mission group > highest point

8. Tie breaker


  1. If there are more than one team complete the mission one with faster record will be the winner.
  2. If there is a tie, team with better record in round 1 will be the winner.
  3. If there are still a tie, compare record from round 2.
  4. When  there  is  no  team  that  complete  the  mission  team  that  earns  more  points  will  be  the winner. And if there is a tie better record in the round 1 will be the winner.
  5. If there is still a tie, the team with less deduction wins

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