
Robota Robotics School is an educational institution specializing in the field of automation technology education. We present as a pioneer in the field of robotics education in Indonesia, we have adequate experience and has received recognition from the community. Robota Robotics School using the learning method that is open-endedproblem-solving is the method of learning in which there is no limitation in achieving a solution, the child became curious, and daring to express their original ideas. Robota Robotics School teaches the advanced technology education that focuses on the application of mathematics, science and IT are packaged in a fun learning process just like playing. Students will be given the freedom to design, build, program a model that really works so students will behave like a young scientist, through investigation, calculations, assess the work, record and present their work.
From our experience as educators, we can conclude that conventional teaching methods and materials limit the child's natural ability to learn, this is because conventional methods of learning materials provide a specific route in reaching a solution.
Robota Robotics School will help children improve their skills by building and programming smart robots in a natural way, through the learning process step by step. We combine a progressive curriculum with robotic modules that can give the right tools to students to pour their knowledge into practice, then challenged them to produce their own fresh ideas.

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