Enthusiasm of samarinda’s children following robot competition

Parents gathering at the elementary school of Al Azhar Syifa Budi Samarinda (26/02/2011). They looked tense as they watched her son and daughter following robot competition. Occasionally heard shout of parents to their children “come help yourfriend.” The children rushed to see the design drawings provided by the committee. This time they assemble Airplane. The competition entitled “ASBS Robotics Competition 2011” is the result of collaboration between Al-Azhar Syifa Budi elementary School of Samarinda and Robota Robotics School of Samarinda. There are about nine teams that were involved in this competition. Each team consists of 3 children. Participants were kindergarten children who are scattered in Samarinda.

Seensome children confused with the challenges given by the committee. Others are looks happy in assembling with his friends. Indeed they have not been studied robots previously. Assessment in this competition is not just the result of assemblies, but also to be seen whether it has been following the present systematics in the design or not. In addition, teamwork becomes a separate assessment in this competition. Because it follows the standards of robotics teaching in Robota, where students are directed to have a good teamwork.

After thecompetition some of the children looks not satisfied with the results of their assembly after the committee announcing that the time had expired. However, the children smile when the committee distributed robot souvenirs to them. Parents scramble to capture the moment of this competition, photographing their children and a robot that has been assembled.

There are 5team declared as the winner. Each champion 1, 2, and 3. the rest is the additional champion. Children who became the winner of this competiton are very happy, after pounding when committee announced the winners. Furthermore, the winners lined up in front of an audience to receive the gift delivered directly by Mr. Sugeng (Chief of Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Elementary School Samarinda) and Marketing of Robota Samarinda.

“Come on Learning Robots”, an appeal right for elementary through high school age children to explore the field of robotics. Robota is ready to provide a new experience in the field of robotics that is not available at the school.


The atmosphereduring the cometition takes place

Givingprizes to winners of competition “ASBS Robotics Competition 2011”

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