So far, there are no data that can provide certainty about the history of when the robot as a technology, was developed in Indonesia. But beginning in the 80s, the national policy in the development of technology has provided support for automated machining R & D in order to observe and support the Human Resource of Indonesia who have an interest and ability to master the robots technology. One of the concrete manifestation is the development of a number of laboratories, such as MEPPO (Machine Tools of Production Engineering and Automatic) initiated by BPPT in cooperation with ITB, a strategic industry, and LET (Applied Electronics Laboratory) at LIPI.
Since the development ofa number of laboratories, a wide range of automated machinery / robots have been successfully developed, manufactured and commercialized by a variety of industries, both strategic industries and other industries in Indonesia. Even in the current development of the latest robots, has developed a robot type that has the ability to control the entire operating system of a factory.
Since the 80s, exploitation and utilization of automated machinery has been done primarily through a number of strategic industries, such as: PT PINDAD (systems, equipment, etc..), PT LEN Industri (IT, software, computing), PT Bharata and PTBBI (precision casting to make engine parts), etc.. In addition, PT DI and PT PAL, which is an automated machine users, has mastered the knowledge of the robot operation for aircraft technology and ship building technology.
IndonesiaRobot Contest was first held by the Ministry of Education in 1990. Eleven years later, precisely in 2001, one representative from Indonesia, namely the B-Cak team from PENS-ITS has successfully achieved a spectacular achievement, as First Place in the Asia Pacific Broadcasting (ABU) Robocon held in Tokyo.
In 2001also, Ministry of Research and Technology in cooperation with Ministry of Education has been promoting the Indonesian Robot Contest winners in the annual exhibition of Research and Technology RITECH EXPO (Research, Innovation, Technology Expo) held in Jakarta Convention Center. From the exhibition can be seen a positive response and enthusiasm from the society.
Towards Indonesia Robot Contest 2004, the Ministry of Research and Technology in cooperation with the Ministry of Education – Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia has conducted workshop (seminars and workshops) with the theme "Opportunities and Challenges of Robot Technology in Indonesia". This workshop was held with the aim of bringing the parties interested in developing robotic technology, so that stakeholders can share the latest information and shared understanding of the issues about robotic technology recently developed. The workshop was targeted in robot technology diffusion in the wider society. With this seminar, the students are expected to obtain information about the policies that have been set by the government and industry needs in the use and utilization of robots. On the other hand, the industry can get information and an overview on the use and utilization of robots for industrial purposes and interests, as well as the prospects and capabilities that the students in developing robotic technology
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