Tag: IRO

IRO International Robotic Olympiad 2011

Lomba Robot

Event: The 13th International Robotic Olympiad 2011 (IRO 2011) Date                : 15-18 Dec 2011 Venue              : Summarecon Serpong, Tangerang, Indonesia Host                 : Interantional Robot Olympiad Committee (IROC) Organizer        : Robotic Organizing Committee Indonesia (ROCI) Supported by   : KEMKOMINFO Theme             : Robot For Helping People from Natural Disaster Sub Event        : Competition, Exhibition, Workshop, […]

Kategori Lomba International Robotic Olympiad 2011

Lomba Robot

2011 International Robot Olympiad – Game Category   No. Category Pre-Production Available KAIROBOT Products Remarks 1 Robot in Movie Available KRC W   2 Robot Dancing Available No Only for Humonoid Robot 3 Robot Run KAI Racer Blue 2   4 Robot Pushing Out No Robot should have its own legs for operation.   5   Omni-directional Mobile Robot   No […]

Robot In Movie 2011

Lomba Robotik

1. Objective The  participant  builds  the  robot  that  meets  the  given  theme,  and  produces  a  multimedia  presentation  in which the robot is the main character. It helps the participants to develop diverse thinking of the usage of robots and to combine these skills into the presentation.   2. Leagues Junior   3. Team 2 people […]

Robo Dancing 2011 IRO International Robotic Olympiad

Lomba Robotik

1. Objective The objective of  Robo Dancing  is to make a robot  dance. The two aspects required in this category  are  physical  and  artistic.  Physically,  the  robot  should  display  smooth  and  stable dance  moves.  Artistically,  the robot  should synchronize  its motion to the music. The  dance should be appealing and creative. 2. Leagues Junior / […]

Robot Run 2011 IRO International Robotic Olympiad

Lomba Robot

1. Objective The mission of Robot Run is to clear all of the objects on the course, and to reach the finish line. The objective is to control the robot by understanding the physics and sensor controls. 2. League Junior/ Challenge 3. Team Individual with one robot 4. Game Methods Your Robot must complete the […]

Robot Push Out 2011 IRO International Robotic Olympiad

Lomba Robot

1. Objective The  Robot  Survival  Game  is  specially  designed  for  younger  students  in  the  junior  league. The participant must understand the working movements of the robotics and it is important to co-operate with each other. 2. Leagues Junior League (including 8 years old) 3. Team 2 people 2 robots per team 4. Game Methods It  […]

Robot Mission 2011

Lomba Robotik

1. Objective The  goal  of  this  competition  is  to  provide  an  event  that  requires  students  to  use  their imagination  and  creativity to  solve  various problems using commonly available  items such  as popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and simple tools such as scissors and hammers. The students are not allowed to use any other items or tools. […]

Robot Prison Break W Type

Lomba Robot

1. Objective Robot  Prison  break  is  to  build  a  robot  that  performs  its  best  sensor  usage  by  predicting  the obstacles to understand robot’s autonomous movements to study human brain function. 2. League Junior and Challenge 3. Team One person one robot per team 4. General Rules The minimum construction time is one hour including practice […]

Robot Prison Break L Type

Lomba Robot

1. Objective Robot  Prison  break  is  to  built  a  robot  that  performs  its  best  sensor  usage  by  predicting  the obstacles to understand robot’s autonomous movements to study human brain function. 2. League Junior and Challenge 3. Team One person one robot per team 4. General Rules   The minimum construction time is one hour including […]

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